A Whole New World

Materials & Supplies Needed Directions

Valentine’s Day!

A Whole New World

Materials & Supplies Needed

  • Black paper
  • Purple felt
  • Yellow yarn
  • Cotton balls
  • Variety of jewels
  • Glitter (optional)
  • Elmer’s glue
  • scissors


  1. Cut a rectangle out from the purple felt (about 5×3 inches). Then glue onto middle of page.
  2. Glitter (Optional)
    • You can do this now or at very end.
    • Make dots with the Elmer’s glue then add glitter to make it look like stars.
  3. Take a cotton ball and stretch out until you get your desired look of a cloud. Then glue onto black paper.
    • Glue on as many clouds as you desire.
  4. Cut 8 pieces of yarn, about each piece being 1.5 inch in length.
  5. Take 2 pieces of the cut yarn and fold in half. Then glue under one of the corners of the carpet.
    • Repeat this step with the 3 other corners.
  6. Glue jewels onto carpet in whatever pattern or design you desire.
  7. Allow glue time to dry and set.

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